26 killed in Mexico pipeline fire

A big fire erupted at a natural gas pipeline distribution center near Mexico’s border with the United States on Tuesday, killing 26 maintenance workers and forcing evacuations of people in nearby ranches and homes.
Mexico’s state-owned oil company, Petroleos Mexicanos, initially reported 10 deaths at the facility near the city of Reynosa, across from McAllen, Texas. Later, the death toll was raised to 26, including a man who was run over when he rushed onto a highway running away from the facility.

U.S. shuts Indonesia consulate amid film protests

The U.S. has temporarily closed its consulate in Indonesia’s third-largest city due to ongoing protests over an anti-Islam film produced in the United States.
About 300 members of the pan-Islamic movement Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia rallied on Wednesday morning in front of the consulate in Medan, the capital of North Sumatra province. Later, about 50 Muslim students also protested there. Both groups called on Washington to punish the makers of the film, “Innocence of Muslims.”
It was the third consecutive day of protests in Medan.
The U.S. Embassy in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta sent a text message to U.S. citizens saying the consulate has been closed temporarily because of the demonstrations.
Wednesday’s protests at the consulate were peaceful. On Monday, protesters hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails outside the embassy in Jakarta.

Source :AP

Sri Lankan Army still has vast presence in North & East

More than three years after winning the war against the LTTE, the Sri Lankan Army retains an overwhelming presence in the North and East of the island, deploying 16 out of its 19 divisions in the Tamil-dominated regions.
Information available with The Hindu indicates that besides three divisions in Jaffna, there are three each in Killinochchi and Mullaithivu, while five divisions are stationed in Vavuniya. Another two divisions are deployed in the East. Three divisions are headquartered in southern Sri Lanka.

Russia orders US to shut its aid mission

USAID asked to cease operations apparently over funding groups that seek to promote democracy and rule of law in Russia.

Russia has ordered USAID to cease operations in the country, accusing the aid mission of being a front of the American government's effort to influence its local politics and the outcome of elections.
Moscow's move on Wednesday is seen as a slap in the face on the administration of President Barack Obama, who has been seeking to "reset" bilateral ties with its former rival.
Obama, who is facing re-election in November, is being accused by his Republican rival Mitt Romney of being soft on Russia. 
Analysts said they believed the Russian decision partly reflected Moscow's hostility toward US-funded groups that seek
to promote democracy and the rule of law in Russia.
"It's about attempts to influence political processes, including elections of various types, and institutions of civil society through the distribution of grants," Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
It added Moscow had serious questions over the operations of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Russia's regions, especially in the North Caucasus where Russia is fighting an armed Islamist rebelion.
Victoria Nuland, the US state department spokeswoman, said Russia's decision will not affect American policy towards Russia.
"The American government remains committed to supporting democracy, human rights, and the development of a more robust civil society in Russia, and look forward to continuing our co-operation with Russian non-governmental organizations," Nuland said.
Clampdown on dissent
Steven Pifer, a former US ambassador to Ukraine who is now at the Brookings Institution think tank, said he believed the decision reflected some reluctance by the Russian government to see foreign support for pro-democracy efforts in the country.
"They see AID's efforts in Russia as being a prime funder of the NGOs that are concerned about their elections and concerned about the regression of democracy in Russia," Pifer said. 
He said the Russian government, basking in oil revenues, no longer believed it should be a recipient of foreign aid and may also be "trying to make it more difficult" for the outside world to support pro-democracy NGOs, or non-governmental
organizations, in Russia.
Over the last 20 years, the US has provided Russia with more than $2.6bn in aid. In 2011, Russia received $50m from the US through USAID.
Critics of President Vladimir Putin, who back in the Kremlin for a third term after serving as prime minister, said the move is part of a clampdown on dissent sponsored by the ex-KGB spy.
Moscow is tightening Internet controls and has raised fines for protesters, among others, sparking criticism among rights groups that it is trying to stifle opposition against Putin's 12-year rule after a winter of protests.

Chicago teachers vote to end strike

Chicago public school teachers have voted to end a strike and resume classes in the third-largest US school district, ending a confrontation with Mayor Rahm Emanuel that focused national attention on struggling urban schools.
About 800 union delegates representing the 29,000 teachers and support staff in Chicago Public Schools voted overwhelmingly to resume classes on Wednesday, after more than two hours of debate on Tuesday.
"I am so thrilled that people are going back," Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis said. "Everybody is looking forward to seeing their kids tomorrow."
Lewis, an outspoken former high school chemistry teacher, said the entire membership of the union would cast a formal vote in the next two weeks to ratify a new contract agreement.
The delegates ended the strike on their second attempt, having decided on Sunday to continue the walkout for two more days so they could review details of a proposed three-year contract with Emanuel.
Emanuel had to retreat from a proposal to introduce merit pay for teachers, and he promised teachers that at least half of all new hires in the district would be from union members laid off by the closing of schools.
Speaking at Walter Payton College Prep school in Chicago after the vote, Emanuel said he was pleased by the outcome.
"This settlement is an honest compromise," he said. "It means a new day and a new direction for Chicago public schools."
Lewis led the walkout on September 10, the first Chicago teachers' strike in 25 years, to protest against Emanuel's demand for sweeping education reforms. About 350,000 public school students were affected by the largest US labour dispute in a year.
Emanuel on Monday tried to get a court order ending the strike, angering the union. A court hearing on his request is scheduled for Wednesday.
Galvanising US labour
The strike focused attention on a national debate over how to improve failing schools. Emanuel believes poorly performing schools should be closed and reopened with new staff or converted to "charter" schools that are often non-union and run by private groups.
Teachers want more resources put into neighbourhood public schools to help them succeed. Chicago teachers say many of their students live in poor, crime-ridden areas and this affects their learning. More than 80 per cent of public school students qualify for free meals based on low family incomes.
Only about 60 per cent of Chicago students graduate from high school - below the national average of 75 per cent - while more than 90 per cent pass out in some affluent Chicago suburbs.
The decision by the union to walk out of classrooms eight days ago rather than accept Emanuel's reforms galvanised the weakened US labour movement after a string of national defeats.
Unions lost battles recently in a number of states. In Wisconsin, Republicans stripped public sector unions such as teachers of most powers to bargain; Indiana took a decision to make payment of union dues voluntary; and two California cities have voted to curb the pensions of government workers.
President Barack Obama was silent throughout the dispute in his home city between Emanuel, who had been was his top White House aide, and a national union that supports Obama.
The strike had raised concern that the rift could damage union support for Obama and Democrats in the run-up to the November presidential and congressional elections. Teacher rallies drew support from other unions in Chicago and from unions in neighbouring states such as Wisconsin and Indiana.

France to close premises in 20 countries over Prophet cartoons

France said it would temporarily close its embassies and schools in 20 countries on Friday after a French magazine published  cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, a move it fears will further inflame tensions over a film mocking the prophet.
"We have indeed decided as a precautionary measure to close our premises, embassies, consulates, cultural centres and schools," a Foreign Ministry spokesman said of the shut-down on Friday, prayer day across the Muslim world.

Lawyers in Pakistan rally against anti-Islam film

Several hundred lawyers protesting an anti-Islam video forced their way into an area in Pakistan's capital that houses the US Embassy and other foreign missions on Wednesday, and the United States temporarily closed its consulate in an Indonesian city because of similar demonstrations.
The lawyers who protested in Islamabad shouted anti-US slogans and burned an American flag after they pushed through a gate, gaining access to the diplomatic enclave before police stopped them. They called for the US ambassador to be expelled from the country, and then peacefully dispersed.

French weekly publishes cartoons mocking Prophet Muhammad

French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad on Wednesday, a decision criticized by the French authorities, who sent riot police to protect the magazine's offices.
The magazine's front cover showed an Orthodox Jew pushing a turbaned figure in a wheelchair and several caricatures of the Prophet were included on its inside pages, including some depicting him naked.
The publication comes in the midst of widespread outrage over an anti-Muslim film posted on the Internet. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius criticized Charlie Hebdo's decision as a provocation and said he had ordered security beefed up at French diplomatic offices in the Muslim world.

Obama chides Romney for "writing off" big part of America

19 September 2012 / REUTERS, NEW YORK
President Barack Obama slammed Mitt Romney on Tuesday for "writing off a big chunk of the country" after a secretly made video showed the Republican presidential nominee dismissing Obama supporters as victims who are dependent on the government.
"One of the things I've learned as president is you represent the entire country," Obama said on CBS's "Late Show with David Letterman."
"My expectation is if you want to be president, you've got to work for everybody, not just for some," he said to applause from the studio audience.
In the video, the first part of which was published on Monday by the liberal Mother Jones magazine, Romney told donors that 47 percent of Americans would back Obama no matter what and "my job is not to worry about those people."

Blasts in two Pakistani cities kill 10 people

19 September 2012 / REUTERS, KARACHI
Blasts in two Pakistani cities killed at least 10 people on Tuesday, police said, but the violence did not appear to be connected to protests over a film insulting Islam.
In the commercial capital of Karachi, seven people died and 20 were injured when bombs in a car and a motor bike exploded in a market, said senior policeman Naeem Broka.
The market was not near the U.S. consulate or frequented by foreigners.

'Innocence of Muslims' and the West's aggression towards Islam – a history of bigotry, vilification and slander

'Innocence of Muslims' and the West's aggression towards Islam – a history of bigotry, vilification and slander

Over the past few days, we have witnessed yet another act of uncalled provocation and repulsive assault on what Muslims hold dear – the final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. The reaction from Muslims, as expected, has been one of utter disgust, anger and frustration. From Indonesia and Bangladesh, North Africa and Middle East to Europe, Muslims have protested against this latest caricature and distasteful depiction of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. The film, 'Innocence of Muslims', essentially depicts Islam as a religion of violence and hate and Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم as sexually perverse, a blood thirsty and power hungry man. It dishonours Khadija (ra) and further depicts the beloved Companions of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم as savage killers, hungry for wealth and bent on killing women and children. Such repulsive portrayal of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and his Companions has outraged even many non-Muslims, who condemned this film.

There are, ironically, a minority of Muslims who, predominantly due to vested interests and infatuation with their liberal masters, have chosen to condemn the protesters for protesting against this film. One such comment said, "How can we expect non-Muslims to believe that Islam is a religion of peace, when Muslim mobs around the world make liars of us all, Muhammad included?" Such self-hating Muslims fail to address the real issues at hand and instead turn the table against the victims rather than the perpetrators.

The Prophets of Islam - Muhammad (SAW)

Muhammad's childhood  to grave:

576 AD: Death of Amina, Muhammad's (SAW) mother. He was barely 6 years old then, and became an orphan. His grandfather, `Abdul Muttalib becomes his guardian.
578 AD: Death of his grandfather `Abdul Muttalib. His uncle Abu Talib becomes his guardian.
582 AD: Travels to Syria where a Christian monk foretells his Prophethood.
595 AD: At the age of 25, Muhammad (SAW) marries Khadija (RA), a noble widow and a wealthy woman, 15 years his senior.

602-609 AD
Dissatisfied with the oppression, immorality and idolatry prevalent in the society, Muhammad (SAW) used to go to a cave called Hira on the Jabal-an-Noor (mountain of light) a few miles outside Makkah to meditate.

610 AD
Muhammad's (SAW) call to Prophethood in the Cave of Hira. The angel Jibra'il (Gabriel) (AS) appears to him and orders him to read. The first verses "Read, in the name of thy Lord, who created..." (96:1-5) are revealed.

Over 150 Arrests as Occupy Wall Street Marks 1st Anniversary

Over 150 Arrests as Occupy Wall Street Marks 1st Anniversary    

The Occupy Wall Street movement celebrated its one-year anniversary on Monday with actions in New York City and other cities across the country. In Manhattan, protesters tried to block access to the New York Stock Exchange by erecting a "People’s Wall."
Amanda Montgomery: "Today is Occupy Wall Street’s birthday, and we are celebrating. We are rising above all the corruption and police brutality that could happen, has happened already."
Eeo Stubblefield: "I, myself, had never, in all my 57 years, seen anything like Zuccotti Park, and I personally had been waiting for 10 years for something to — something. And I had no idea that the kids — I had no idea that the kids were going to rise up like that, and I’m so proud of them."
Overall, more than 150 people were arrested, including half a dozen journalists. Monday’s actions saw a lower turnout than expected, with around 1,000 people taking part in the protests, far lower than the numbers seen last fall.

Michigan a Key Battleground for Labor Rights with Votes on Emergency Managers, Collective Bargaining

Michigan voters will be asked in November to decide the future of a controversial state law that allows the governor to appoint an unelected emergency manager or corporation to take over financially distressed towns and cities and effectively fire elected officials. The law, which is now on hold, empowers unelected managers or corporations to take over cities and effectively fire elected officials. In addition, another initiative on the Michigan ballot in November aims to enshrine collective bargaining rights in the state constitution to stave off future attacks on unions. We’re joined by Paul Abowd, an investigative reporter at the Center for Public Integrity. 

UK royals win injunction over topless photos

A French court has banned Closer magazine from any further publication or resale of topless pictures of Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, who is the wife of Britain's Prince William.
An injunction, granted by the court on Tuesday, also ordered the magazine to hand over all files of the pictures in its possession to representatives of the royal couple within 24 hours and said it would be fined 10,000 euros ($13,000) for every day's delay.
The ruling prevents Closer, which published the pictures on Friday, from re-using them in print or on its website, as well as from selling them to markets where they have not been published.
Lawyers for the royal couple are seeking damages from the weekly gossip magazine over its publication of the photos in a five-page spread. The scandal has incensed much of the British public and rekindled a debate on privacy laws.

NATO to reduce joint Afghan operations

NATO has said it has scaled back operations with members of the Afghan National Security Forces in an attempt to lower the risk of so-called insider attacks.
A total of 51 international troops have been killed by Afghans in the uniforms of the nation's police and military forces so far this year.
Until recently, elements of NATO companies numbering roughly 100 soldiers routinely conducted operations like patrolling or manning an outpost with Afghan soldiers.
NATO said such operations are no longer routine and require the approval of the regional commander.
 Insider attacks have led to the deaths of 51 coalition troops across 36 incidents in 2012.

 So far this year 332 members of the coalition have been killed
  15.4 per cent of all coalition deaths in 2012 have been due to 'green-on-blue' attacks, up from six per cent in 2011
 12 of the 36 attacks in 2012 occurred in August
 At 246, roadside bombs make up the majority of coalition deaths in Afghanistan

Source: International Security Assistance Force; iCasualties.org
Al Jazeera's Rosiland Jordan, reporting from Washington, said a Pentagon official had told Al Jazeera that General John Allen, commander of all international forces in Afghanistan, "has commanders to take a top-to-bottom look at how coalition and Afghan forces are paired across the country".
Jordan said the re-assessment of the pairing is meant to "reduce the opportunity for these [foreign] troops to be injured or killed" while serving with their Afghan counterparts.

Pakistan blocks YouTube over anti-Islam video

Pakistan blocks YouTube over anti-Islam video
PM Ashraf orders to shut video sharing site after it refuses to take down controversial video amid protests.

Raja Pervez Ashraf, Pakistan's prime minister, has ordered YouTube to be blocked after the site "refused to heed to the advice of the government of Pakistan to remove blasphemous film from its site", a statement from his office said.
Attempts to access YouTube on Monday met with a message saying the website had been classed as containing "indecent material" and was blocked on the orders of the Pakistan Telecom Authority.
Authorities in Bangladesh have also blocked the video-sharing site indefinitely to prevent citizens from watching the video that mocks the Prophet and Islam.

Massive escape from Mexico border prison

Massive escape from Mexico border prison:
Police have detained director of prison in Piedras Negras after more than 100 convicts escape from workshop tunnel.

More than 130 inmates have escaped from a state prison in northern Mexico, setting off a search by federal police and soldiers in an area close to the border with the US.
Police have detained the director of the prison in the city of Piedras Negras and two other employees for investigation in the break of 132 prisoners, said Homero Ramos Gloria, Coahuila's State Attorney General, on Tuesday.

Bahrain charges police officers with torture

Bahrain's public prosecution has charged seven police officers over the torture and maltreatment of Shia medics detained in the aftermath of nationwide protests last year, authorities said.

The two defendants facing the "most serious" charges have been referred to the High Criminal Court over the "use of torture and threats against six medic detainees, for the purpose of forcing a confession," a government statement said on Monday.

It said all coerced confessions were dismissed during the widely-criticised trial of the medics.
The rest of the officers would appear in the Lower Criminal Court, it said.

Confessions 'extracted under torture'
The seven officers are lieutenants at the interior ministry. Ten other officers accused of mistreatment were being questioned, it said.

Palestinian hunger strikers 'close to death'

Palestinian hunger strikers 'close to death'

Samer Barq, one of the three prisoners refusing food, has been moved to intensive care as his blood sugar level dipped.

One of three long-term Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli detention has been moved to a hospital intensive care unit suffering from a drop in blood sugar, a spokeswoman for the Ramallah-based Palestinian Prisoners Club has said.
Amani Sarahna said that Samer Barq, one of three prisoners on hunger strike for weeks to demand their release from detention, was placed in intensive care at Assaf Harofeh medical centre, in central Israel, early on Monday evening.

Israel says US must be firm on stopping Iran nuclear threat

A senior Israeli official said on Sunday the United States should not wait for Iran to decide on building a nuclear weapon before it considers military action against the Islamic Republic.
"When is the point at which it should be stopped? Just when the bomb is assembled on the tip of the missile and is ready for launch?" Dan Meridor, deputy Israeli prime minister with responsibility for nuclear and intelligence affairs, said in a radio interview.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who sees a mortal threat to Israel from Tehran, has hinted he could resort to war unless Washington and other world powers give Iran an ultimatum on curbing its uranium enrichment programme.
U.S. President Barack Obama has rebuffed Netanyahu's lobbying, opening a rift between the allies although they agree that Iran has yet to take the final steps of purifying uranium to military grade and assembling a warhead.
Tehran denies seeking the bomb, saying its nuclear projects are for peaceful energy and medical purposes. Diplomatic talks between it and world powers have so-far proved fruitless.
Speaking on Israel Radio, Meridor praised the Obama administration for its insistence that it will not allow Iran to get nuclear arms. But such shows of resolve msut be emphasised, he said.
Iran could reach stage of nuclear development which would allow it to make a warhead quickly years in the future when the world's guard was down, he said.
"This demands clarification, to my mind, to make clear that even an Iran that is a decision away from nuclear weaponry, be it within days or weeks, is a nuclear-armed Iran," Meridor said.
The Israelis have made clear they sees the window of opportunity to strike Iran closing as it digs in and defends its facilities.
While not explicitly stating when they would consider Iran close enough to the nuclear threshold to warrant a war, Israeli officials say they are watching the pace of its fortification, its uranium enrichment to 20 percent purity - just short of bomb-fuel grade, and its production of enrichment centrifuges.
"I think the question is when the crucial stage is passed beyond which you will be hard-pressed to stop Iran from assembling a nuclear bomb," Netanyahu said in a Jerusalem Post interview published on Sunday.
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak accused Iran in May of pursuing a strategy that would allow it to build a bomb at 60 days' notice.
Israel refuses to confirm or deny its own nuclear capabilities, which are widely believed to include the Middle East's only atomic arsenal. Iran's eastern neighbour, U.S.-allied Pakistan, is also nuclear-armed.

NATO says four soldiers killed in "insider" attack in Afghan south

Four soldiers fighting with the NATO-led alliance were killed in an attack believed to involve members of the Afghan police in southern Afghanistan on Sunday, the coalition said.
The attack came a day after two British soldiers were shot dead by an Afghan policeman while returning from a patrol in southern Helmand province, one of the strongholds of the Taliban-led insurgency.
The shooting took place in Zabol, a southern province where US forces are based, according to a local official, who said all four soldiers killed were American.
One attacker who was wearing an Afghan National Police uniform (ANP) was also killed in the fighting, the source said.
At least 51 foreign military personnel have been killed in "insider" attacks this year, attacks which have put a heavy strain on trust between the coalition and Afghanistan as they move towards handing security responsibility to Afghan forces by the end of 2014.
The rise in such attacks has led to the training of new recruits to the Afghan army and police being suspended.
With foreign combat troops withdrawing from the increasingly unpopular and expensive war, the enormous cultural divide that still separates Afghans and their allies after 11 years of conflict has become more of a concern than ever.
The NATO-led coalition and its Afghan counterparts have created a special Joint Casualties Assessment Team to investigate every attack, which number at least 37 this year.
In more than half of cases, attackers are either killed or escape and the motive never emerges, making it more difficult for the coalition to stem the surge.
Adding to the toll of coalition deaths caused by insider attacks over the weekend, two were killed and nine wounded in Friday's attack on Camp Bastion, one of the worst attacks on a NATO-operated base all year.
Six Harrier jets were destroyed and two were significantly damaged in the raid on the camp airfield, carried out by 15 insurgents wearing US Army uniforms and split between three teams, a NATO statement said on Sunday.
Three refuelling stations were destroyed and six aircraft hangars were damaged. Britain's Prince Harry was at Camp Bastion at the time of Friday's attack, but was unharmed.
All but one of the attackers were killed, with the remaining fighter taken into custody by coalition forces.
In a separate incident on Sunday, NATO-led forces arrested a Taliban fighter responsible for killing two US troops when they were downed in their Kiowa helicopter in eastern Afghanistan, according to a separate statement by the coalition.

More protests in Indonesia over anti-Muslim film

Indonesians angered over an anti-Islam film are protesting in more cities, but no violence has been reported.
Demonstrations were held Monday in the cities of Medan and Bandung and were scheduled for the capital, Jakarta. Over the weekend in the central Java town of Solo, protesters stormed KFC and McDonald's restaurants, forcing customers to leave and management to close the stores.
The US Embassy issued an emergency message to American citizens Monday, saying about 1,000 people were expected to march to the mission with about 1,500 police on hand. 

16 missing in Chinese expressway tunnel cave-in

Chinese state media say 16 people are missing following the cave-in of a highway tunnel under construction in the country's southeast.
The Xinhua News Agency said Monday that rescuers are searching for those trapped in the collapse Sunday night near the city of Ganzhou in Jiangxi province. The tunnel is part of a 3,429-kilometer-long (2,130-mile-long) expressway running almost the entire length of country from north to south.
Rescue officials reached by phone said they had no updates. 

Suicide car bomber near Baghdad's Green Zone kills four

A suicide car bomber killed four Iraqis and wounded 11 others close to an entrance to Baghdad's fortified Green Zone, where several Western embassies are located, three police sources said on Monday.
The central area, known officially as the International Zone, houses diplomatic missions including the U.S. embassy.
The blast was near Baghdad's July 14th suspension bridge which leads into the zone. Two of the four killed were soldiers, the sources said.
"Cars were lining up waiting to be searched at the checkpoint that leads to the Green Zone and suddenly a speeding car exploded nearby," said one police source whose patrol was stationed near the scene of the attack scene.
"Some people died inside cars and I saw two soldiers lying on the ground. We immediately closed the area," the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.
The last attacks in the capital occurred on Sept. 9 when a series of bombs in mainly Shi'ite Baghdad districts ended one of the bloodiest days of the year with more than 100 killed across the country. 

Fury over anti-Muslim film, Google refuses to take down clip

Angry Muslims protest against the US made anti-Muslim film purportedly denigrating the Prophet Mohammad. Western embassies across the Muslim world remain on high alert and the United States urged vigilance after days of anti-American violence.
16 September 2012 
A wave of furious anti-Western protests against a film mocking the Prophet Mohammad has abated, but US policy in the Muslim world remained overshadowed by 13 minutes of amateurish video on the Internet.
Meanwhile, Google is blatantly refusing a White House request to take down an anti-Muslim clip on YouTube, but is restricting access to it in certain countries. The White House said Friday that it had asked YouTube to review whether the video violated its terms of use. Google owns YouTube, the online video sharing site. YouTube said in a statement that the video is widely available on the Web and is “clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube.”
While the protests intensified over the video, YouTube blocked access to the clip in Libya and Egypt. YouTube cited “the very sensitive situations” in those two countries. Later YouTube also blocked access to the video in India and Indonesia after their governments told Youtube the video broke their laws.
The controversy underscores how some Internet firms have been thrust into debates over the limits of free speech. In its Friday statement, YouTube said that outside of Libya, Egypt, India and Indonesia, the video will remain on its website.
 “We work hard to create a community everyone can enjoy and which also enables people to express different opinions,” the YouTube statement said.
YouTube's community guidelines say the company encourages free speech and defends everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But YouTube says it does not permit hate speech.
Washington ordered family members and non-essential staff to leave the US Embassy in Khartoum, which was attacked on Friday, after Sudan turned down its request to send Marines to bolster security.
In addition, it pulled non-essential personnel out of its embassy in the Tunisian capital, Tunis, also attacked on Friday, and urged American citizens to leave the city. 
Marine platoons have been sent to US missions in Yemen and Libya since the unrest erupted.
Elsewhere, riot police stormed into Cairo's Tahrir Square and rounded up hundreds of people after four days of clashes and demands from protesters for the US ambassador to be expelled.
Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority denounced the attacks on diplomats and embassies across the Middle East as un-Islamic.
But the Yemen-based branch of al-Qaeda applauded the killings of US diplomats in Libya and urged Muslims to kill more, calling the video posted on the Internet another chapter in the “crusader wars” against Islam.
Four soldiers fighting with the NATO-led alliance were killed in another suspected “insider” attack in southern Afghanistan on Sunday, the coalition said, bringing the total number of deaths this weekend caused by Afghans turning on their allies to six. Four NATO-led troops were found dead and two wounded when a nearby response team arrived at the scene from a nearby checkpoint, a spokesman for the coalition said. Sunday's shooting took place in Zabol, a province where US forces are based, according to a local official, who said all four soldiers killed were American.

Relative calm

Hundreds of Muslims took to the streets of Australia's largest city, some throwing rocks and bottles in clashes with police. Some carried placards reading “Behead all those who insult the Prophet.”
About 80 militants were arrested in Paris while trying to demonstrate outside the US Embassy near the Champs Elysees, French police sources said.
Saturday was, however, relatively calm after at least nine deaths in the Muslim world on Friday during protests and attacks on American and other Western embassies.
US President Barack Obama, leading a ceremony on Friday to honor the US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans who died in an attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, vowed to “stand fast” against the violence.
“The United States will never retreat from the world,” he said. The Pentagon rushed to bolster security at missions abroad.
The US State Department on Saturday also urged American citizens to avoid Sudan's restive Darfur, Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan regions.
Libyan authorities said they had identified 50 people who were involved in the attack in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens died.
In an interview aired on NBC's “Nightly News,” Libyan President Mohammed Magarief was quoted as saying that foreigners along with Libyans were involved in the attack on the consulate in Benghazi. He added there were 10 suspects in custody.
Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al al-Sheikh, denounced the attacks while urging governments and international bodies to criminalize insults against prophets.
He described the short film as “miserable” and “criminal,” but said attacks on the innocent and on diplomats were “a distortion of the Islamic religion and are not accepted by God.”
US officials have said authorities are not investigating the film project itself, and that even if it was inflammatory or led to violence, simply producing it cannot be considered a crime in the United States, which has strong free speech laws.
A statement posted on a website used by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula called on Muslims to “follow the example of Omar al-Mukhtar's descendants [Libyans], who killed the American ambassador.”
“Let the step of kicking out the embassies be a step towards liberating Muslim countries from the American hegemony,” the group said.
Hundreds of mourners in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, attended the funeral on Saturday of a young protester shot to death when riot police battled a crowd attacking the US Embassy on Thursday.

Remarkable Facts about 9/11 2001

9/11 victims & families will never be forgotten… and the pursuit of Justice will never stop until the Truth comes out in the light.

* 3 buildings fell in New York City that day — only 2 planes hit. ….

* 2 out of 3 buildings that did fall, were on fire on certain levels — yet all 3 fell at ‘free-fall’ rates, and collapsed into their own footprint. (Only demolition can achieve this)

* Several Israeli Mossad agents, in a van filled with explosive material were held after dancing/cheering in the direction of the WTC, on the George Washington Bridge as the buildings were hit. No arrests made.

* The explosions supposedly melted steel beams and incinerated everything – including the indestructable “black boxes” – yet they conveniently find the passports to each and every hijacker: 1 block away, on the ground.
Some people may say that it is disrespectful for me to say these things on 9/11 — I say it is disrespectful for me to NOT.
♥ The victims and their families deserve the Truth. ♥

The Killers!!!, arn’t they??!

9/11 Was An Inside Job Done By CIA/MOSSAD For NWO !!!!!

Allah only have full knowledge i have only this little knowledge........

5 foods for brain!

How to Respond those who insulted to Dear Prophet PBUH

It is not strange for a civilization which holds nothing sacred (besides the Holocaust) to make fun of the Prophet of Islam – may God’s peace and blessings be upon him.
The buttons are once again being pushed and Muslims’ feelings are hurt. Consequently, some are angrily lashing out and harming innocent people in their ignorance. However, this is only further distorts the image of Islam which was the intention of those who made that evil film. Let us, instead, follow the prophetic way, and convey the message of Islam positively and with greater vigor, while patiently bearing the harm of our enemies.
Dr. Bilal Philips

The best answer for those who insulted to Prophet Muhammad PBUH

✦✦ The best answer to the film offending the Holy Prophet The Discover Islam Society (London) distributed more than 110,000 copies of the Koran translated and the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him✦ ✦

US identifies anti-Muslim filmmaker

US identifies anti-Muslim filmmaker

Federal authorities identified a Southern California man who is on federal probation for financial crimes as the key figure behind an anti-Muslim film that has spawned mob violence against American embassies across the Mideast, a  law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday.
There was no sign of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, at his family's home Thursday in Cerritos outside Los Angeles, as details slowly began to emerge about his checkered past, his connections among Southern California's right-wing Christian organizations and his central role in the production of the film.
Excerpts from the movie, which the filmmaker said was called "Innocence of Muslims," enraged Islamic protesters in Egypt, Libya and Yemen over its portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad.
Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that the Justice Department had opened a criminal investigation into the deaths of the  ambassador to Libya and three other diplomats killed during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi. It was not immediately clear whether authorities were focusing on Nakoula as part of that probe.

Islamic Manners during discussions and debates

During Islamic lectures and discussions, sometimes things go out of hand into arguments and abusive speech. This article outlines the proper etiquette one must adhere to in such situations:
If you have trouble understanding some of what has been said in meeting, hold your questions until the speaker has finished. Gently, politely, and…
with proper introduction, ask for clarification.
Do not interrupt a person’s speech. Never raise your voice with the question, or be blunt to draw attention to yourself. This is contrary to the proper manner of listening, and stirs up contempt.
However, this is not the rule if the meeting is for studying and learning. In such a case, asking questions and initiating a discussion is desirable if conducted respectfully and tactfully and only after the speaker finishes. Khaleef Al-Ma’mun said: “Discussion entrenches knowledge much more than mere agreement.”
Al-Haitham Bin Adi, a known scholar, historian, and a member of the court of four Caliphs: Abu Ja`far Al-Mansur, Al-Mahdi, Al-Hadi and Al-Rashid, said: “It is an ill manner to overwhelm someone while speaking and to interrupt them before they end their talk.”
If a colleague did not understand an issue and asked a scholar or an elder to explain, you should listen to what is being said. The repeated explanation may give you additional insights to what you already know. Never utter any word belittling your colleague, nor allow your face to betray such an attitude.
When an elder or a scholar speaks, listen attentively. Never busy yourself with a talk or discussion with other colleagues. Do not let your mind wander elsewhere; keep it focused on what is being said.
Never interrupt a speaker. Never rush to answer if you are not very confident of your answer. Never argue about something you do not know. Never argue for the sake of argument. Never show arrogance with your counterparts especially if they hold a different opinion. Do not switch the argument to belittle your opponent’s views. If their misunderstanding becomes evident, do not rebuke or scold them. Be modest and kind.
Muslims Should not dispute over non-Fundamental principles of Islam
“And obey Allâh and His Messenger, and do not dispute (with one another) lest you lose courage and your strength depart, and be patient. Surely, Allâh is with those who are As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc.).” [Surah al-Anfaal 8:46]
And if your Lord had so willed, He could surely have made mankind one Ummah [nation or community (following one religion only i.e. Islâm)], but they will not cease to disagree,- Except him on whom your Lord has bestowed His Mercy (the follower of truth – Islâmic Monotheism) and for that did He create them. And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled (i.e. His Saying): “Surely, I shall fill Hell with jinns and men all together.” [Surah al-Anfaal 11:118, 119]
The Companions only differed when it was inevitable, but they used to hate disputes, and would avoid them whenever possible; as for the muqallideen, even though it is possible in a great many cases to avoid differing, they do not agree nor strive towards unity; in fact, they uphold differing.
The Companions (radi Allaahu ‘anhum), despite their well-known differing in non-fundamental issues, were extremely careful to preserve outward unity, staying well-away from anything which would divide them and split their ranks. For example, there were among them those who approved of saying the basmalah loudly (in prayer) and those who did not; there were those who held that raising the hands (in prayer) was recommended and those who did not; there were those who held that touching a woman nullified ablution, and those who did not; – but despite all that, they would all pray together behind one imaam, and none of them would disdain from praying behind an imaam due to difference of opinion.
Insha’Allah, we have the above examples of what are non-fundamental issues and the importance of not bickering over them. Some examples of fundamental differences are: shirk, the five pillars, the six articles of faith.
Once the Truth is Made Known, The Difference Must Cease
Imaam Muzani, a companion of Imaam Shaafi’i said, “The Companions of the Messenger of Allaah (saaws) indeed differed, and some of them corrected others. Some scrutinised others’ views and found fault with them. If all their views had been correct, they would not have done so. ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab became angry at the dispute between Ubaay ibn Ka’b and Ibn Mas’ood about prayer in a single garment. Ubayy said, ‘Prayer in one garment is good and fine whereas Ibn Mas’ood said, ‘That is only if one does not have many clothes.’ So ‘Umar came out in anger, saying, ‘Two men from among the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (saaws), who are looked up to and learnt from, disputing? Ubayy has spoken the truth and not cared about Ibn Mas’ood. But if I hear anyone disputing about it after this I will do such-and-such to him’.” [Ibn 'Abdul Barr in Jaami' Bayaan al-'Ilm (2/83-4)]
Notice in the above hadith that the Muslim who knew the truth was permissibly angry at those who were wrong. The problem we see in the ummah is when one of us acts incorrectly out of ignorance and becomes very angry, insulting, or causing embarassement to another muslim when in fact he is wrong all along.
How can we prevent this angry act of ignorance in ourselves? Remember the salat. Think about how you are to correct the Imam if he errors in his salat by saying SubhanAllah (or clapping if female) – you only do so when you are SURE without a doubt that he actually made an error. Could you imagine embarassing yourself because you weren’t paying attention and thought the Imam had made a mistake in the salat when he clearly had not. Now imagine the embarassement one should feel when becoming cross, short, stern, rude, blunt, quickly excitable, or challenging, to a Muslim who came with truth and then… moments, days, or years later, this Muslim find out he was wrong and the cause of fitnah!
The Importance of Unity
And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah’s favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided. [Surah Al-Imran 3:103]
The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah – the which We have sent by inspiration to thee – and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Namely, that ye should remain steadfast in religion, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things than Allah, hard is the (way) to which thou callest them. Allah chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him). [Surah Al-Shura 42:13]
And obey Allah and His Messenger. and fall into no disputes, lest ye lose heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: For Allah is with those who patiently persevere. [Surah Al-Anfal 8:46]
Even though some people encourage division, one thing that we all have in common and cannot escape, is that we all eventually return to Allah swt at the time of death, on the Day of Judgement, awaiting Allah’s judgment on our souls!
But (later generations) cut off their affair (of unity), one from another: (yet) will they all return to Us. [Surah Al-Anbiyaa 21:93]
ALLAH’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “I have left you upon clear proof, its night is like its day, no one deviates from it except one who is destroyed, and whoever lives long from amongst you will see great controversy. So stick to what you know from my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided caliphs – cling to that with your molar teeth, and stick to obedience even if it is to an Abyssinian slave, since the believer is like a submissive camel, wherever he is led, he follows.” (Hasan – Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim)

Forgiveness; the sublime Characteristic of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

One of the great qualities of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was that he never took revenge on anyone for personal reasons and always forgave even his firm enemies.
His wife `A ishah reported that Allah s Messenger was not unseemly or obscene in his speech, nor was he loud-voiced in the streets, nor did he return evil for evil, but he would forgive and pardon.
The people of the Quraysh rebuked him, taunted and mocked at him, beat him and abused him. They tried to kill him and when he left for Madinah, they …
waged many wars against him. Yet when he entered Makkah victorious with an army of 10,000, he did not take revenge on anyone. He forgave all. Even his deadliest enemy, Abu Sufyan, who had fought so many battles against him, was forgiven, as was anyone who stayed in his house.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also pardoned the leaders of Ta if, who had engaged ruffians to pelt him with stones when he visited that town to invite them to Islam.
Abdullah Ibn Ubayy, the leader of the hypocrites of Madinah, worked all his life against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Islam and left no stone unturned in trying to defeat his mission. He withdrew his 300 supporters in the Battle of Uhud, which almost broke the backbone of the Muslims. He engaged in intrigues and acts of hostility against the Prophet of Islam and the Muslims.
An Abyssinian slave who had killed Prophet Muhammad s (peace be upon him) beloved uncle Hamzah in the Battle of Uhud was also forgiven when he embraced Islam after the Conquest of Makkah. The wife of Abu Sufyan, who had cut open Hamzah s chest and torn his liver and heart into pieces in the Battle of Uhud, quietly came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and accepted Islam. He recognized her but did not say anything. She was so impressed by his magnanimity and stature that she said, O Allah s Messenger, no tent was more deserted in my eyes than yours; but today no tent is dearer in my eyes than yours.
Habar Ibn Al-Aswad was another vicious enemy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of Islam. He had inflicted a grievous injury on Zaynab, daughter of the Prophet (peace be upon him). She was pregnant when she emigrated from Makkah to Madinah. The polytheists of Makkah obstructed her and Habar Ibn Al-Aswad intentionally threw her down from the camel. She was badly hurt and miscarried as a result. Habar committed many other crimes as well. He wanted to run away to Persia but then he came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who forgave him.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was all for forgiveness and no amount of crime or aggression against him was too great to be forgiven by him. He was the complete example of forgiveness and kindness.
He always repelled evil with good, for, in his view, an antidote was better than poison. He believed and practiced the precept that love could foil hatred and aggression could be won over by forgiveness. He overcame the ignorance of the people with the knowledge of Islam, and the folly and evil of the people with his kind and forgiving treatment.
With his forgiveness, he freed people from the bondage of sin and crime, and also made them great friends of Islam. He was an exact image of the following verse of the Qur an: The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with what is better (i.e. Allah orders the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly) then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend (Fussilat 41:34).
Surah Isra 17:80 Say: “O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me).”
17:81″And say, Truth has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished: For falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.”