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Communal violence breaks in Faizabad district, curfew imposed

Five cities in the affected, curfew imposed in Faizabad city after violence breaks during immersion of Durga idols

Virendra Nath Bhatt 
Communal violence broke out simultaneously in five towns of the Faizabad district including the district headquarter Faizabad city on Wednesday 24 October evening when the procession for immersion of Durga idols in river Saryu was being taken out on the last day of Durga puja.
Rudauli, Bhadrsa, Sohawal and Harringtonganj towns have also been affected. About two dozen shops at the heart of Faizabad city were burnt and some people have also suffered injuries.

Iran has drone pictures of Israeli bases, prominent lawmaker says

Image from a video released by the Israeli Defense Forces shows the recent downing of a drone. (Photo: AP)

Iran has images of sensitive Israeli military bases taken by a drone that was launched by Lebanon's Hezbollah movement and downed by Israel earlier this month, a senior Iranian lawmaker claimed on Monday in the latest boast from Tehran about purported advances in the capabilities of its unmanned aircraft.
The announcement gave no details about the photos -- other than calling the Israeli bases “forbidden sites” -- but it suggested Iranian drones have the ability to transmit data while in flight. It also appeared aimed at warning Israel about the options for retaliation for any possible strikes on Iranian nuclear sites.
A prominent lawmaker, Ismaeil Kowsari, also was quoted as saying that the Iranian-backed Hezbollah possesses more sophisticated Iranian-made drones than the one that was downed, including some that could carry weapons. There was no immediate comment from Israeli officials.
“These drones transmit the pictures online,” Kowsari he told the semiofficial Mehr news agency. “The pictures of forbidden sites taken and transmitted by this drone are now in our possession.”
The lawmaker, who heads the parliament's defense committee, said Hezbollah is “definitely” equipped with more sophisticated drones, but gave no further details.
Hezbollah “won't announce it as long as it doesn't see the need to do so ... That's why we say we will respond to Israel inside [its] territory, should it take any action against us,” said Kowsari, a former commander of the powerful Revolutionary Guard.
Iran has claimed that Iranian-made surveillance drones have made dozens of apparently undetected flights into Israeli airspace from Lebanon in recent years. Israel has rejected the account.
Iran's Defense Minister Ahmad Vahid also claimed on Sunday that Tehran has drones far more advanced than the Ayub unmanned aircraft launched by Hezbollah, saying it was not the “latest Iranian technology, definitely.” He did not elaborate.
Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has said the Ayub drone was manufactured in Iran and assembled in Lebanon.
Iran routinely announces technological breakthroughs in its defense program. Last month it claimed to have started producing a long-range missile-carrying drone with a range of 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles).
The Shahed-129, or Witness-129, covers much of the Middle East including Israel and nearly doubles the range of previous drones produced by Iranian technicians, who have often relied on reverse engineering military hardware with the country under Western embargo.
But it's unclear whether the new drone contains any elements of an unmanned CIA aircraft that went down in eastern Iran last year. Iran said it has recovered data from the RQ-170 Sentinel and claimed it was building its own replica.

Russian ship with 700 tons of gold ore missing

A vessel with a nine-person crew and 700 tons of gold ore onboard has gone missing in stormy seas off Russia's Pacific Coast.
The ship sent a distress call on Sunday as it was sailing from the coastal town of Neran to Feklistov Island in the Sea of Okhotsk.
The vessel, hired by mining company Polymetal, was carrying 700 tons of gold ore from one deposit to another where it was to be processed. Gold ore is the material from which gold is extracted and contains only a small percentage of the precious metal.
Polymetal's spokesman on Monday would not estimate the value of the cargo.

New York streets flooded as Sandy slams into eastern US

Sandy, one of the biggest storms to hit the United States, pounded the east coast on Tuesday, flooding large parts of New York City, bringing transport to a halt and interrupting the presidential campaign.
More than 5.5 million people were left without electrical power by the storm, which crashed ashore late on Monday near the gambling resort of Atlantic City, New Jersey. More than one million people across a dozen states were ordered to evacuate.

Shallow 6.3 quake off west Canada coast

30 October 2012 / REUTERS, SYDNEY
A shallow earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.2 struck off British Columbia province on Canada's west coast, the US Geological Survey said, the second powerful earthquake in the region in two days.
The quake, at a depth of about 10 km (6 miles), was centred about 245 km (150 miles) southwest of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, and struck at about 10.29 p.m. on Monday (0249 GMT Tuesday), the USGS said.
The quake was not expected to generate a tsunami, the USGS's Alaska Tsunami Warning Center said in a statement.
A tsunami warning was issued for Hawaii after a magnitude 7.7 quake hit off the coast of British Columbia late on Saturday.
That tsunami advisory was cancelled early on Sunday after smaller than anticipated waves reached the US island group in the Pacific without causing any major damage.
Thousands of people in Hawaii had fled to higher ground before the warning was cancelled

Republic Day celebrations held amid controversy

Republic Day celebrations held amid controversy

Clashes between Turkish police and protesters who insisted on holding a banned rally cast a shadow over the Republic Day celebrations held on Monday.

For the first time, Republic Day, which marks the foundation of the Turkish Republic on October 29, 1923, was celebrated at two separate events in Ankara, clearly indicating the  divide between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and opposition groups, including main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) as well as some minor leftist parties.
Official celebrations went ahead as planned in the Turkish capital, while the rally, organized by the opposition groups but banned by the Ankara Governor's Office citing security reasons, saw some tense moments between protestors and the riot police.   

The Month Of Zul-Hijjah

 Twelfth and last month of the Islamic Calendar.
Meaning: The month of "Hajj" (Pilgrimage).  This is the last sacred month in which fighting was forbidden.
The fifth pillar of Islam "Hajj" is performed in this sacred month.  The first ten days of Zul-Hijjah are the most virtuous days in this whole month, Hajj is performed amongst these ten days.
Hadhrat Abu Haraira (R.A) reports from the Holy Prophet  : "Amongst all days there are none better to engage in sole worship of Allah than in the ten days of Zul-Hijjah,  To observe a fast on any of these days is equivalent to fasting throughout the year, to actively engage in prayer and worship throughout any of these nights holds such rewarding values leveling with "night of power" (Laylatul-Qadr) "Tirmizi"
It has been stated in the Holy Qur'an, "By the dawn; By the ten nights (ie. the first ten days of the month of Zul-Hijjah), and by the even and the odd (of all the creations of Allah) and by night when it departs.  There is indeed in them (the above oaths) sufficient proofs for men of understanding.  (and that they should avoid all kinds of sins and disbelief)"
Hadhrat Abi Qataadah (R.A) reports in a part narration from the Holy Prophet  concerning the fast observed on the day of Arafaat: "I have full confidence in Allah for the one who observes a fast on the day of Arafaat that his previous year's sins and the proceeding year's sins are forgiven."

. The Prophet  performed the farewell Hajj and gave the historic sermon known as the "Farewell Sermon"
2. Egypt was conquered by the army sent by Hadhart Umar (R.A.)
3. Uthmaan (R.A.) was appointed the third Caliph
4. "Bay'ate-Aqabah"
5. Hadhrat Fatimah (R.A.) was married in this holy month to the fourth Caliph Hadhrat Ali (R.A.)

colonization of muslim mind

People that refuse to surrender can never be enslaved . slavery is the first and foremost a state of mind. Steve biko, the anti-apartheid stuggler paid with his life but he became importalised in the mind of refusing to surrender. He had said,”the greatest weapon in the hand of the oppressor id the mind of the oppressed”. In battle, psychological defeat precedes physical factors cannot reverse the tide . the opposite is equally true : those who refuse to surrender regardless of their sisadvantage in material terms can never be defeated. Thus we know that while the afghans are no match for the firepower of the Americans and their allies, they have been able to force the Americans to admit there is no military solution to the problem in Afghanisthan . the America are now talking about a negotiate settlement. The same is true in londan unlike the Arabian regimes and their well-stocked armies, Hizbullah has refused to surrender to the Zionists. The result is clear. The Zionists have been defeated not once but twice in the last decade. The same scenario is beginning to emerge in Palestine where Hamas has refused to accept Zionist supremacy regardless of the odds.
In the rest of the Muslim world, barring Islamic iran, the ruling elites have accepted defeat and humiliation as their permanent condition. Onc can find striking lessons of such behavior related to Bani Israel described in the noble Qur’an. In one case, bani Israel confirming their mental defeat, refused to enter a territory when prophet Musa(a) asked them to do so as commanded by Allah. prophet Dawud(a), on the other hand, refused to be intimidated by size of goliath and killed him.
The Muslim ruling elites display all the characteristics of the bani Israel of old. Their commitment to Allah is superficial, not sincere. While the Muslim world is endowed with great material resources, these are not utilized to improve the condition of the people. Instead, the elites have become accustomed to an easy lifestyle and are not prepared to face the hardships that come with stuggle for truth and justice. They feel more comfortable as slaves of the west than living a dignified existence as servants of Allah, the creator and master of the universe..
How did this situation arise?  Muslim did not always display such cowardice. In the early period of Islam, small number of Muslims repeatedly overwhelmed much larger enemy forces. Muslim did not do so through the superiority of weapons; what they lacked in swords and spears, they made up for in iman, secure un the knowledge that whether they survive in battle or fall fighting, they will be victorious. Such people can never be defeated…..
The mentality is the product of colonialism. While direct colonialism ended with the departure of European colonialists from Muslim lands, indirect colonialism has continued. People who assumed the reigns of power in the so-called independent Muslim societies were already mental slaves.
They had imbibed the values, culture and mannerism of the colonial masters. They adopted the mannerism of the colonial masters. They adopted the colonial master’s language and displayed the same contempt for ordinary people that the European colonialists did.
Even these may be considered minor compared to the mental slavery that is so pervasive in Muslim societies. The Muslim elite-and Pakistan is a typical example – cannot imagine life without the deathly embrace of Uncle Sam. The Pakistanis can be forgiven for such servile attitude because they do not have much wealth. How does one explain the slave mentality of the Saudis that have billions – nay trillions of dollar yet they behave as slaves of the Americans? If the Americans think jihad is bad, the Saudis immediately say “Amen”. If the Americans order removal Qur’anic passages from textbooks that condemn certain behavior, the Saudis immediately comply. They have bought into the propaganda that US is all powerful.
It is far easier to overcome physical colonization but much harder to surmount mental colonization. The mind itself must be willing to break out of such a state. A lion’s natural habitat is the jungle where it roams free. A lion in the circus, however, has accepted mental defeat. Even when let loose, it does not run away to return to the jungle. The Muslim elite behave kike circus lions jumping at the crack of the ring master’s whip. Nothing good can be accepted from such people; they are happy living in a cage to be fed dead meat.
The first step towards liberation is the process of liberating the Muslim mind.
The Student of the new college

Muhammad Ali’s advice to his daughters…

The following incident took place when Muhammad Ali’s daughters arrived at his home wearing clothes that were not modest. Here is the story as told by one of his daughters:
When we finally arrived, the chauffeur escorted my younger sister, Laila, and me up to my father’s suite. As usual, he was hiding behind the door waiting to scare us. We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we could possibly give in one day.
My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Hana, everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You’ve got to work hard to get to them.”
He looked at me with serious eyes. “Your body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.” Source: Taken from the book: More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali’s Life Lessons Through His Daughter’s Eyes — with Ibnu Hadi Jawas and Chulbulkhan Khan.

Husband & wife’s rights,responsibilities towards each other

The rights in marriage fall into 3 categories:
1- Mutual rights between the two spouses.
2- Husband’s rights.
3- Wife’s rights.
These rights translate into the following duties that the husband and wife owe to each other:
Duties that are mutual:
First Duty: To forgive each other’s small mistakes.
Second Duty: To provide emotional support in both happiness and sadness
Third Duty: To offer each other wholesome advice concerning obedience to Allah.

(These 3 duties are implied in Allah’s statement: “Live with them in kindness.”)

Training of the Heart: Three Radical Loves

The messengers and prophets he sent were great examples of how to manifest our love for Him. When the heart is ready to give up and the soul cannot be burdened with one more pain, remembering the Source of ourselves makes it easier, doable, and the seemingly impossible, possible.
Recently, I had the honor of training a group of emerging young Muslim leaders and I thought of three points that resonated for me whenever I have the opportunity of engaging with future, current and elder leaders of my community.

12 Foods Which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) liked And Their Benefit

1. Barley ( jau):
Good in fever, while use in a soup form.
2. Dates:
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) said that a house without dates has no food. It should also be eaten at the time of childbirth.
3. Figs:
It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.
4. Grapes:
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) ) was very fond of grapes – it purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.

Importance of Learning and Seeking Knowledge in Islam

Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “Seeking Knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.”(Related by Ibn ‘Adiyy, Al-Bayhaqi & Al-Tabarani)
Though this Hadith is known and memorised by most Muslims, the essence, the amount, and the kind of knowledge referred to..
in this Hadith remains misunderstood by many.
If it is true that the knowledge incumbent upon every Muslim pertains to religious knowledge, or al-’Ilm al-Shar’i, how deeply does one have to pursue his quest of this knowledge to fulfill his duties and discharge the learning obligations placed upon him? In other words, what are the minimum teachings that every Muslim – male or female – is required to know about his Deen?